Lv1 Maou to One Room Yuusha
Lv1 Maou to One Room Yuusha
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Lv1 Maou to One Room Yuusha (2023)

Animação Comédia Sci-Fi & Fantasy14


Lv1 Maou to One Room Yuusha

Yuichi Nakamura

Yuichi Nakamura

Max (voice)
Naomi Ohzora

Naomi Ohzora

Demon Lord (voice)
Yoko Hikasa

Yoko Hikasa

Zenia (voice)
Yoshitsugu Matsuoka

Yoshitsugu Matsuoka

Fred (voice)
Hiro Shimono

Hiro Shimono

Leo (voice)
Ami Koshimizu

Ami Koshimizu

Yuria (voice)
  • Posters
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  • Videos
Lv1 Maou to One Room Yuusha11
1 - O Retorno do Lorde Demônio!

O Lorde Demônio não voltou depois de 10 anos apenas para enfrentar uma casca patética de um homem que uma vez se chamou de herói. Este insulto não subsistirá!

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2 - Beware the Glasses Girl

What exactly does a retired hero do all day? The Demon Lord is on the case! But Zenia isnt thrilled her boss is still traipsing around the world of humans...

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3 - Fred the Cleric

Max and Leo are no ordinary travelers. Thats fitting because they meet Fred, who is no ordinary cleric either!

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4 - The Hero;s New Challenge

Thered be plenty of opportunities for Max if he joined the Demon Lords ranks: he could date monster girls and receive a generous benefits package! But does he want that?

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5 - With His Grace!

Max runs into an old acquaintance when hes out shopping with the Demon Lord.

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6 - Border Tug-of-War

Max and the Demon Lord witness a battle between the Kingdom and the Republic. But just as the Kingdom gains the advantage, Leo arrives to save the day!

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7 - The Secretary Does Her Best

Zenia infiltrates the Bureau of Magic on the Demon Lords orders. She fancies herself an expert spy but…

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8 - Farewell

Someone caused the explosion that rocked the Bureau of Magic, but the question is, who? Max and the Demon Lord certainly have a lot of explaining to do…

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9 - Um herói em conflito

Eles já foram aliados, mas agora Fred e Leo se encontram em lados opostos enquanto a guerra se aproxima entre o Reino e a República.

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10 - Leo vs. Fred

A última coisa que Max quer é se envolver. Mas se ele não impedir Fred e Leo de lutar, o Lorde Demônio irá forçá-lo a fazê-lo.

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11 - O Herói, Coberto de Lama

Se Max quiser impedir Fred e Leo, ele precisará de toda a ajuda que puder conseguir. Felizmente, um velho amigo preparou um backup.

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12 - Os Frutos do Seu Trabalho

Max era um herói caído, mas suas ações abriram caminho para a paz e o público adora uma boa história de redenção. O que o futuro reserva desta vez?
